A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

In the not-so-distant future, where the skies are etched with the scars of past wars and the earth is but a canvas of technological ruin, a spark of rebellion ignites within the heart of a dystopian world. "Endless Runner," a thrilling endless runner game developed with the Pygame Zero library, invites you to lace up the boots of the last beacon of hope in a world suffocated by tyranny and oppression.

You are Echo, a rogue android with a heart of circuits and steel, capable of emotions and thought, designed in secrecy to defy the autocratic regime. With the government's relentless drones on your trail and the urban decay of the city as your playground, your mission is to run, vault, and slide through the desolate streets and abandoned subway tunnels of a once-thriving metropolis.

Each run is a testament to your will to break free, with procedurally generated obstacles that promise a unique challenge every time you play. The dystopian world is vividly brought to life with Pygame Zero, showcasing crumbling skyscrapers, neon-lit billboards, and the eerie glow of drones surveilling from above.

"Escape Velocity" is not just a test of endurance and reflexes but a journey through a narrative that unfolds with each daring escape. Discover secret paths, collect fragments of the past, and piece together the story of the world's downfall and the rise of the resistance.


Endless Runner 3 MB

Install instructions


To start your adventure in the dystopian world of Endless Runner, you must first have Python installed on your machine. This game requires Python version 3.6 or later. If Python is not yet installed on your computer, you can download it from the official Python website: https://www.python.org/downloads/.

Step 1: Install Python

  1. Visit https://www.python.org/downloads/ and download the latest version of Python (make sure it's version 3.6 or higher).
  2. Run the downloaded installer. During the installation process, ensure to select the option "Add Python 3.x to PATH" to make Python accessible from the command line.
  3. After installation, open your command line interface (Command Prompt for Windows, Terminal for macOS and Linux) and type `python --version` to check the installation. You should see the installed Python version displayed.

Step 2: Install Pygame Zero

Pygame Zero (pgzero) is a simplified game development library aimed at beginners and educational environments. It makes creating games with Python much easier, which is ideal for our game, Endless Runner.

Install Pygame Zero by executing the following command in your command line:

pip install pgzero

This command utilizes pip, the package installer for Python, to fetch and install the Pygame Zero library from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Step 3: Download Endless Runner

Now that you have Python and Pygame Zero ready, the next step is to download the Endless Runner game files.

  1. Obtain the Endless Runner game files from the provided download link. (Note: Add the actual link or instructions here based on your distribution method.)
  2. Extract the files from the downloaded ZIP archive to a directory of your choice. This directory will now contain all necessary files to run Endless Runner.

Step 4: Launch the Game

To start Endless Runner, open your command line and change the directory to where you've extracted the game files. You can do this with the `cd` command, followed by the path to your game directory. For instance:

cd path/to/endless_runner

Within the game's directory, start Endless Runner by executing:

pgzrun main.py

Here, `main.py` refers to the primary script file for Endless Runner, and `pgzrun` is a command from Pygame Zero to execute Pygame Zero games.

You're all set! Dive into the dystopian world of Endless Runner, guide your character through the endless obstacles, and explore the remnants of a civilization on the brink. Enjoy your journey towards liberation!